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Library Fines


Make a payment use: RevTrak

Make a Payment
If you need to pay for a lost or damaged book fine, you can send the exact change with your student or use RevTrak to pay with a credit/debit card. If you send cash, please send the exact change. We do not keep money in the library and will not be able to give change. Click on the button below to be redirected to RevTrak. Create an account by clicking on Login > Create a New Account Select Pease Communications & Technology Academy You will need the following information to pay the fine: Student first and last name Student ID number Book Title Book Barcode (provided on the library fee notice) Please note that there will be a 4% service fee that will be charged for the convenience of paying online

Students have the opportunity to complete an assignment of the Librarian or teacher's choice as a means to repay any fines. The only exception to this alternative "payment," is when a student has lost or damaged a brand new book